- 2016-17 :- Russia Chickpeas production estimates 300,000 MT ( +/- 10% ) & Exports is around 210,000 MT. Top 3 destinations for Russian exports are , Turkey rank no.1 with total import of 110,000 MT , India 36,000 MT & Pakistan 23,000 MT . Till end of season almost no carryover remain at origin as Huge demands from destination markets and farmers getting US $ 800-900 / MT in farms. India & Pakistan importing as alternate for desi chickpeas.
- 2016-17 :- 210,000 MT Exports + 60,000 MT for seeding + 20,000 MT including waste , domestic consumption , Land border exports = 290,000 MT consumed , accordingly 10,000 MT Carried-in for 2017-18 Season.
- 2017-18 :- Russian farmers are feel like on the top of world in 2016-17 with chickpeas crop & Increased the land area by almost 30% in 2017-18 , but yields witnessed bad to 1 MT / Hectares ( Avg. Yields 1.2 -1.4 MT / Hectares ) , with this Production number comes 350,000 MT ( +/- 10% ).
- 2017-18 :- After crop get harvested in Aug-Sep 2017 , the trend continues and Traders are following farmers to get cargo @ US $ 800- 900 PMT , on other hands farmers are asking more prices and start holding the crop , without knowing the changes happening in International Market. December 2017 onwards , the things start change with USA /Canada/Argentina huge crops & India & Mexico historic planting estimations as well as Indian Import Tariffs / Quotas and many government Interventions. Results carryover stocks will be 111,000 MT.
- 2018-19 : The farmers who not able to plant in 2017-18 because lack of seeds and land rotation , they seeded this year and many new areas diverted in chickpeas , Resulting crop harvested 400,000 MT ( +/- 10% ) with normal yields . Near to harvest many production areas received rains of 5-10 days , makes the crop more muddy. This year also 8% of crop considered as feed & waste ( Normally it was 5% )
- 2018-19 : Pakistan is top importer from Russia , as well many new destinations of middle east , Europe started buying from Russia as now there are 8-10 factories are doing grading , sortexing & retail packing for end users & with this Turkey business of re-export is much effected.
- 2019-20 : The area seeded less by 30% , but with good yield of 1.3- 1.4 MT / Hectare & good quality crop ,make production number to 350,000 MT ( +/- 10% ) . So with carry over supply will be 452,000 MT approximately.
- 2019-20 : Expecting demands will be low compared to 2018-19 , as many origins are at low prices & huge carry overstocks. Also destinations market imports more than capacity in greed of low price. As well as Russia have competition this year with Bulgaria and Ukraine origins, even though crop is less but good quality compared to last year , offering equivalent prices for bigger size.
- 2019-20 : Turning point for demand and price of Russian chickpeas, will be, if Desi Chickpeas prices will increase in India, in coming days. It is just a nightmare that Indian Govt. withdraw the import duty of 44%.
Special Thanks to Mr. Sergey (Grainrus- Russia) for providing us with useful information.